Contacts for Schools or Drama Practitioners
Speech Bubbles is currently run by the following theatre companies around the country, so schools wanting to offer Speech Bubbles, or practitioners interesting in delivering Speech Bubbles, should contact the local theatre company in your area using the details provided below. We’re always looking to expand Speech Bubbles’ reach, so if you are outside the areas currently addressed by our partners, please contact us directly.
Who to contact?
To get in touch with Speech Bubbles HQ email info@speechbubbles.org.uk or call 03001028250
Current local delivery partners:
North West
Contact Emily Capstick, Peoplescape at emily@peoplescapetheatre.co.ukOldham
Contact Craig Harris, Oldham Theatre Workshop at craig.harris@oldham.gov.ukRochdale
Contact Gilly Baskeyfield, M6 at gilly@M6Theatre.co.ukSalford, Stockport, Trafford and Tameside
Contact Matt Wardle, North West Drama at matt@northwestdramaservices.co.uk
Contact Sarah West Valstar, Nottingham Playhouse at sarahw@nottinghamplayhouse.co.uk
East of England
Contact Kasia Truefitt, Herts Inclusive Theatre at kasia@hit-theatre.org.uk
Greenwich, Lambeth, Croydon, Newham, Bromley and Bexley
Contact Adam Annand, Speech Bubbles CIO at adam@speechbubbles.org.ukHackney
Contact Jo Carter, Immediate Theatre at jo@immediate-theatre.comLewisham and Southwark
Contact Emma Lamond, London Bubble Theatre at emma@londonbubble.org.ukTower Hamlets
Contact Androulla, Half Moon Theatre at androulla@halfmoon.org.ukWandsworth
Contact Louise Pendry, Bounce Theatre at louise@bouncetheatre.com
South East
Contact Katie Sommers, Trinity Theatre at bubbles@trinitytheatre.net
South West
Contact Kara Black, Bristol Old Vic at kara.black@bristololdvic.org.uk
Enquiry Form
If we don’t currently have a partner in your area, if you’d like to become a theatre partner, or for any other enquiries, drop us a line below.