
For Schools

Supporting KS1 children to develop communication, confidence and wellbeing

Increasing numbers of children are starting school life with communication difficulties. It is estimated that 20% of children and young people in the UK, a total of 1.9 million, are struggling with talking and/or understanding words.

This report Listening to unheard children identifies the problem and potential solutions.

Speech Bubbles’ approach places play and joy at the centre of the creative learning experience. It hands power over to the children to develop content of the sessions in a safe and supportive environment. This sense of ownership and team working is central to building the confidence of the children to communicate effectively.
— Deputy Head

Find out what Teaching staff are saying about Speech Bubbles in 2024:

Some thoughts on how Speech Bubbles works in school from teaching staff.


Why Speech Bubbles?

Speech Bubbles is a joyful creative intervention that uses drama activities, story-telling and imaginative play to support children to develop communication, confidence and wellbeing.


More than 83% of participating children show improvements in learning, speaking and listening


Participants show statistically significant improvements in social interaction


Highly effective in supporting children suffering poor social, emotional and educational wellbeing

How it works

In Speech Bubbles sessions a drama practitioner works with a member of your school support staff to create a safe and playful space. The story drama approach places the child at the centre of the activity, and they become at different times, author, performer and audience. 

Click to watch: Which children to refer to Speech Bubbles

The programme includes:

  • CPD certified training for school staff

  • Weekly drama sessions for 20 referred children with a professional drama practitioner

  • Easy to use online assessment system. This produces an impact report for your school great for reporting to governors and OFSTED

  • All resource materials

  • Excellent evidence of impact

 I would like Speech Bubbles in my school


Further Reading

Speech bubbles is an innovative approach in helping children with speech and language difficulties. Our children in year 1 and 2 look forward to these sessions and are thriving in this programme, which boosts their confidence
— Inclusion manager