Information for Parents and Carers
Speech Bubbles is a creative project that supports children to build their confidence to be great communicators.
If your child is doing Speech Bubbles in school you can find a little more about what they are doing here:
They will have fun playing drama games, making up stories and acting them out.
In a small group of up to 10 children and will have weekly 40 min sessions.
The sessions are led by a drama practitioner supported by a member of school staff.
Types of communication:
· Non-verbal and speaking
· Understanding
· Expressing yourself
· Listening to others
Why Speech Bubbles?
Speech Bubbles is a joyful creative intervention that uses drama activities, story-telling and imaginative play to support children to develop communication, confidence and wellbeing.
More than 83% of participating children show improvements in learning, speaking and listening
Source: Annual Teacher Report
Participants show statistically significant improvements in social interaction
Source: University of East London
Highly effective in supporting children suffering poor social, emotional and educational wellbeing
Source: Canterbury Christ Church University
10 More Drama Games to Play at Home
Our second booklet featuring fun drama games and activities that you can enjoy at home.
20 Fun Drama Games to Play at Home
Speech Bubbles practitioners have put together 20 of their favourite games to try at home!
I would like to know more about Speech Bubbles
Find out more about speech, language and communication needs on the Speech and Language UK website.