Speech Bubbles Fourth Birthday and Silent Auction!

Come and join us!

When: 28th March 2025

Where: London Bubble Theatre, London, SE164JD.

Timings: 6.00 - 9.30pm

The event: A celebratory evening of food, drink, entertainment, opportunities to bid on some great auction items and make a difference!

Coming soon

Details of the wonderful auction items you can bid on in the lead up to and at our event!

How to book

There is a suggested donation amount of £15 which you can make here by clicking the button below

Lizzie at Speech Bubbles will email you to confirm details of who is coming and any access requirements. If you have any questions please email lizzie – lizzie@speechbubbles.org.uk

We are looking forward to celebrating with you!

Support children to communicate joyfully and confidently!

Did you or someone you know ever find communicating difficult?

Speech and Language UK report that 1.9 million children would benefit from support with their talking and /or understanding of words. The highest number ever recorded.

Speech Bubbles is proven to support children to become great communicators through creative, considered and consistent drama activities.

With your help we can…

£10 - Support a child to access a Speech Bubbles session

£25 - Equip a school with all the resources needed for Speech Bubbles for a year.

£50 - Give a member of school staff training at a CPD certified Speech Bubbles workshop.

£80 - Give a child access to 8 Speech Bubbles sessions over 1 term.

£100 - Provide 1 Speech Bubbles session for 10 children happen.

£240 - Support 24 sessions over the year for 1 child (the main programme)

£500 - Deliver 1 CPD session on Drama Tools for Great Communication for teaching staff.

£3600 - Support the Bounce Back programme in 1 school for a year, which is 18 sessions for 2 groups of 8 over 2 terms.

£4800 - Support the Main Speech Bubbles programme in 1 school for a year, which is 24 sessions for 2 groups of 10 children over 3 terms.

 If you are interested in donating to Speech Bubbles you can make personal donations through CAF donate here:

If you are wishing to donate on behalf of a Trust, Foundation or Company then please contact us using the contact details below:

If you are interested in getting involved by volunteering and/or raising money through sponsorship for Speech Bubbles please get in touch using the contact details below:



 Thank you to our wonderful donors