Posts in Advisory Group
Alison Willmott

I am delighted to be part of the Speech Bubbles Advisory team and to have seen the project grow and enrich children's lives over the years. Eve Bearne and David Reedy describe spoken language as" the bedrock of children's personal, social, cultural, cognitive, creative and imaginative development,' and what could be more important than that?

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Elle Pethurst

Supporting young people, increasing access & inclusion within the arts, and removing barriers is a huge part of my life. I'm delighted to be part of the Speech Bubbles advisory group and look forward to further supporting the organisation's wonderful work.

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Jonathan Barnes

I've been teaching for 45 years and often concerned with those whose voices are rarely heard, and I have never experienced a more effective approach to confidence building, involvement and the motivation to speak out than Speech Bubbles.

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Tara Brophy

Participating in drama was one of the main influences that led me to my vocation: Speech and Language Therapy. It is a huge responsibility and honour to be part of the advisory group and support Speech Bubble's development.

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Tracey Brook

As formerly a SENCO in one of the Southwark schools that pioneered the wonderful Speech Bubbles programme, and who subsequently ran it in person for several years, I had first-hand experience of its positive long-term impact, on the confidence, expression and engagement of the children, on the relationships between the children and the adults supporting them, as well as on the sense of self-worth of those adults. It also gave us great joy and became the high point of the week for us all!

This is why I consider it a privilege to be counted a member of the Advisory Group.

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Jill Joseph

In my role as Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion in an inner-city primary school, my special interest in Speech Bubbles developed because I have had first-hand experience of the massive positive impact the programme has on our most vulnerable pupils over the last four years. Speech Bubbles improves pupils' access to learning opportunities by improving their resilience for learning and communication skills. It's always a joy and pleasure to see how the pupils thrive following their involvement in the programme.

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Warda Farah

There is nothing more powerful than a child that is given free rein to explore their innate creativity. Through the Speech Bubbles intervention children use the modality of drama and storytelling to express themselves in a safe space. It's incredibly exciting to be a part of the advisory group and see the direct impact they will have on the children and schools they operate in.

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